Safety Guidelines whilst visiting LEC Airfield

Bognor Regis Gliding Club (BRGC the Club)


On behalf of BR Aviation Ltd
Issue No. 1, 1st August 2013
Revised November 2016


The Bognor Regis Gliding Club (BRGC “the Club”) intends to assert an excellent attitude towards safety and it is the desire of all pilots to maintain and improve awareness.

The Management has given extensive thought to the question of LEC Airfield Site Specific safety not covered in the BGA Managing Flying Risk

General Statement on Club Policy

The BGGC exists to facilitate and promote gliding and related activities. It is the policy of the Club that its operations are executed at all times in such a way that it complies with LEC Airfield planning permissions BR/17/48A dated 07.02.1948, BE/21/74 dated 23.04.1974

BR Aviation Ltd & operationally the club, will ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, these site specific guidelines and the British Gliding Association Operational Regulations and Managing Flying Risk, the relevant parts of the Air Navigation Orderer are adhered to.

These guidelines are the direct concern of the directors, the Management the Chief Flying Instructor, the other pilots.

JT Hitchcock, MD, 30.11.16

The Law

As defined in the BGA Managing Flying Risk section 11

Responsibilities – the Management

Responsibility for safety rests with the Management, which comprises the Managing Director BR Aviation Ltd (MD) and the Chief Flying Instructor (Of whom can be the same person. With regard to its responsibilities to ensure that the Club has an effective health and safety policy, and that proper observance of this is monitored on a regular basis, The Management shall:

  • Ensure that the club club members & visitors observe these guidelines.
  • Set up clear lines of responsibility for safety issues.
  • Ensure that, as far as reasonably possible, adequate resources and funding are available to ensure implementation of the policy at the LEC Airfield
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the club’s guidelines, feedback to BGA re Managing Flying Risk.
  • Foster a safety first attitude in flying and ground activities.
  • Set a good example to others by adhering to these guidelines and by promoting safe practices.

Responsibilities – Management

The MD and CFI shall be overseeing all safety matters associated with either flying or nonflying Club activities. In particular, it shall:

  • Report to the MD & CFI any safety matters.
  • Make recommendations to the MD & CFI on amendments to the Club’s guidelines.
  • Advise the MD & CFI on the need for resources.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the stated guidelines.
  • Take appropriate action to ensure observance these guidelines.
  • Provide for the recording of accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences.
  • Arrange for appropriate warning signs to be erected.
  • Ensure that equipment is maintained in a safe condition.
  • Foster a safety first attitude in flying and ground activities.
  • Set a good example to others by adhering to the health and safety policy and by promoting safe practices.

Responsibilities – the C.F.I.

The Chief Flying Instructor shall:

  • Report to the MD on a regular basis.
  • Be responsible for all aspects of flying safety.
  • Set appropriate standards for flying safety.
  • Monitor safety standards.
  • Take appropriate action to rectify any breaches of health and safety stipulations.
  • Foster a safety first attitude in flying and ground activities.
  • Set a good example to others by adhering to these guideline and the BGA Managing Flying Risk.

Responsibilities – Pilots

All Pilots shall:

  • Acknowledge reading these BRGC Guidelines, by the payment of the clubs Joining fee.
  • Make themselves familiar with these club guidelines.
  • Abide by the requirements of the clubs guidelines.
  • Take care of the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions in Club-related activities.
  • Take all reasonable precautions and, where advisable to wear appropriate clothing for the activity to be undertaken.
  • Report any hazards, accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences to the MD and, where flying operations are involved, to CFI.
  • Ensure that any accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences are recorded in the record book provided for that purpose.
  • Engage in no activity, flying or otherwise, unless they are satisfied as to their level of competency at the task and their understanding of the clubs guidelines.

It is obligatory for all pilots to adhere to the clubs Guidelines and to comply with any instructions given by the CFI. The wilful failure of a member to adhere to the stated policy or legitimate instruction given will be considered a serious matter for consideration by the MD or CFI who shall apply sanctions as necessary to ensure the safety of other pilots & visitors.

Flying Operations

Members & visitors should familiarize themselves with & comply to the BGA Managing Flying Risks.

In addition to BGA these guidelines, LEC Airfield does have special considerations, the adjacent railway line, proximity to high voltage power lines, deep water, Narrow 17.5 meter wide tarmac runway with no immediate obstructions on either sides, 15 drain covers, gravel drainage, sea breezes, Fences & Closing Gates, public footpaths, noise considerations, limited access, possibility of the runway being partially blocked by temporary obstructions.

Pilots are advised to carry out careful observation of the surfaces before operations each day, seek prior permission to fly at their own risk, MD & CFI cannot be held wholly responsibility or poor airmanship.

LEC Airfield is currently undergoing, civil engineering, Landscaping & development, there approximately 20 acres of new grass & 12 acres of old uneven grass runway 01/19, the Tarmac Runway 05/23 is in excellent condition, visiting pilots please read Pooleys flight information guide for runway orientations, local map & information.

The following requirements indicate the elements seen to be necessary to achieve the desired standard of safety in ideal circumstances but it is highly likely that it shall be necessary for pilots to depart from the stated norm to cater for the prevailing circumstances. In all cases pilots must exhibit the highest standards of airmanship showing consideration for others and making safety for all the highest priority.

Except on the instruction of the Chief Flying Instructor (CFI), his deputy or an instructor the following shall be adhered to:

  • So far as reasonably practicable gliding operations shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant parts of the current edition of “Laws and Rules for Glider Pilots” as published by the British Gliding Association.
  • So far as reasonably practicable all operations of aircraft shall be in accordance with the Air Navigation Order.
  • All gliders operated at the site must have third party insurance with a minimum limit of indemnity to third parties of £500,000 (or higher amount if recommended by the BGA) and evidence of the insurance must be made available on request to the management.
  • Pilots shall conform to the launch procedure in operation at the site as directed by the CFI.
  • All pilots flying into LEC Airfield for the first time are required to either be flying with the MD or CFI or have already carried a check flight into the airfield & has been authorised to fly into LEC Airfield as pilot in charge. Strictly observe these Clubs guidelines, to have obtained prior permission to land from MD, CFI or spoken to an authorised person on the “Bognor Base Station” on 129.975mzh.
  • Soft cushions are not permitted in gliders.
  • “Bognor Launch point” radio 129.975 mzh is a very part time listening station; there is no authority for giving instructions to pilots from this radio, although it is recommended to adhere local advice.

Operation of Vehicles on the Airfield

There is limited access to LEC Airfield, prior permission is required to either operate the manual Cox Crossing railway gates at the rear of Wicks DIY Store or access off Felpham Way, via Angela’s Paddock-the Lyons families open Grassland (please Close the gates) & then over the River Rife’s bridge on to the airfield perimeter. Be aware the access tract cuts across the active runway/cable run, exercise extreme caution before crossing active side of airfield.

The following rules apply, exercise caution when using either your own vehicle or clubs retrieve vehicles and users must comply with the following:

  • Only authorised retrieve vehicle shall be operated on the LEC Airfield site.
  • At the start of each day’s operations there shall be a check of oil, tyre pressures, water, brake fluid & equipment.
  • Only those with a valid driving license are allowed to drive the retrieve vehicle.
  • The speed of the vehicle shall not exceed 15 mph except in emergencies.
  • The vehicle must not be left attached by rope to a glider when stationary or unmanned.
  • The vehicle Lights shall be operated during use around the LEC Airfield.
  • The primary function of the retrieve vehicle is to clear landed gliders to the boundary of the airfield.
  • Returning gliders to the launch point or hangar shall be a secondary function.
  • Drivers must carefully check to ensure that their proposed route does not obstruct any aircraft landing or taking off.
  • Children are not permitted to travel unsupervised in the vehicle.

Movement On and Around the Airfield

  • Pilots must obey the 15 MPH speed limit on the LEC Airfield site, please note is a public footpath along the East of the airfield, members of the public are require to stay West of the fencing on the designated path, pilots please should you observe the public straying off the designated path via an open gate,(which should be closed at all times) or somehow traverse the 1.8 M high fence to the West please cease activity whenever possible until the matter has been resolved.
  • Pilots must not take private vehicles on to the LEC Airfield site unless specific permission has been 1 st been obtained by MD or CFI or authorised person.
  • Visitors must not venture on to the airside of the LEC Airfield unless adhering to Network Railway “Users Guide” safety signs & received training & temporarily lent a key from MD or CFI for the sole purpose of traversing the Cox Crossing, locking gates & immediately returning keys, example policy in the HSE guidelines BRGC website “Railway Crossing Users Guide”, visitors and or pilots are not allowed to leave the public rights of way to enter upon the active side of LEC Airfield without being either, previously authorised, escorted or briefed.
  • Pilots are not allow any pets on to the LEC airfield of the site except remaining on the public footpaths and must restrained by a lead at all times.
  • Pilots must ensure that children are accompanied by and are under the control of an authorised adult at all times when on any part of the LEC Airfield site, especially as there is deep water, contaminated land & high voltage power lines, propellers & fast moving cables.
  • Non pilots must keep away from the aeroplanes whether a pilot is on board or not and must be aware that propellers are dangerous at all times even when apparently stopped.
  • All persons must keep away from launch cables or ropes.
  • Pilots must not walk in front of or near to gliders at launch point except for the specific purpose of attaching a cable for the procedure for launching that glider.
  • Visitors must stay with the pilot, until advised to leave and shall follow the instructions given.
  • When moving around the LEC Airfield visitors must travel under the direction of, MD, CFI or Authorised pilot, walk via the perimeter, observe the fencing & hazard signs, watch out all round for aircraft or gliders taking off or landing and be aware that aircraft may be trailing long ropes.

Care of Visitors

  • Pilots must recognise that visitors to the site need special attention.
  • Visitors must observe the LEC Airfield & Network Railway hazards signs
  • The full length of the West boundary of LEC Airfield is a deep tidal river, “The Rife” there is also a deep tidal culvert traversing the airfield east to West at the South end of Tarmac runway 23, plus drainage ditches along most of the East boundary. All members are warned of this potential hazard & risk of drowning. The bottom of the Rife & Culverts, being tidal is very muddy with steep banks, it would be possable to get into difficulties very quickly.
  • Please ensure our visitors are aware of the potential hazard & in particular Parents accompanying children & teenagers. Apart from the fact that Airfield are potentially hazard due to moving Aircraft & propellers & fast moving steel cables, this addition risk of deep water its essential parents keep their kin under strict supervision at all times, if they become misplaced, inform the instructor immediately so we can locate then ASAP & bring the problem to a quick resolution.

Pilots shall assist any visitors who require help.

Contaminated Land

The bank just South West of the Windsock up to the Cox Crossing is designated as contaminated land, the area is fenced of and or surrounded by ditches, with clear KEEP OUT signage, there has been extensive testing carried out in this area it is deemed as an outstanding ecological site with many rare species & flowers, as the area had been if left undisturbed for over 70 years. It has been assessed as “very low risk”, never the less the Members are instructed NOT to traverse this area. Member please ensure visitors especially children & inquisitive teenagers observe the signage as it might pose a very small risk to health. Only specialist authorized contractors have the authority to access the site.


There is a strict policy of NO parachuting adjacent to or over LEC Airfield in view of our close proximity to the town & electrified Railway line running parallel most of the length of the East boundary, unless in a genuine emergency.

Fitness to Fly

Pilots are required to complete a medical declaration before flying solo or as pilot in command with the Club. Pilots should be aware that the use of alcohol or drugs whether prescribed, patent, recreational or as part of drug trials is not compatible with safe flying operations. Persons taking such substances should be aware that they may have a detrimental effect on their ability to fly as pilot in command or as a pupil and should consult their doctor and inform the CFI accordingly.

Actions in Case of Accident

Pilots must in the event of an accident take immediate action to reduce the immediate hazard give first aid if required telephone emergency services if appropriate, inform MD & CFI, if appropriate make notes to aid any possible following investigation.

Private Activities

Many activities carried out at the LEC Airfield, pilots are directed and as such would mainly be for their own benefit, for the benefit or goodwill assistance to others. These activities could be many and varied but in the main would centre around handling, lifting or maintenance of their own or other pilots’ equipment. Any accidents or injuries resulting from these activities would not be the responsibility of the club. Each person should exercise sufficient and appropriate care to reduce as much as possible or to totally remove any risk of causing accident or injury to themselves or others either directly or indirectly as a result of carrying out these activities whilst on the LEC Airfield site.

Operation of Agricultural and Horticultural Equipment

Pilots should be aware that there are risks in using agricultural and horticultural equipment and should observe the following:

  • Only those persons with a valid driving license are permitted to drive the tractor.
  • Members must note the dangers of working with fuel injectors.
  • Drivers of the tractor must be aware of the risk of overturning and take all reasonable steps to prevent this occurring.
  • Pilots using the communal lawnmower should take care to avoid foot injury by the rotating blades, safety boots are recommended.
  • The lawn mower must not be operated with the rear door open.
  • When using the lawnmower or strimmer, eye protection, ear defenders and safety boots are recommended.
  • Children are not permitted to use this equipment.
  • There shall be no refuelling of lawnmowers adjacent to aircraft.

Use of Tools and Equipment

Pilots should take care when using tools and equipment and should observe the following:

  • Tools and equipment should only to be used if the person concerned is fully competent in their use.
  • The work must be undertaken in a suitable place.
  • Adequate precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of individual and others.
  • Adequate protective gear must be used or worn.
  • Pilots make use of tools and equipment under their own authority and should not do so if they have any doubts or concerns regarding their level of competence, their own safety or the safety of others.

Good Housekeeping

Please help keep LEC Airfield a safe environment to operate from untidiness can be dangerous and may lead to injuries. Paying simple attention to tidiness can help prevent injury. Persons undertaking work activities should observe the following:

  • Inspect the runway each day, check for articles which may potentially damage the aircraft.
  • Collect above waste into bins or to temporary heaps for disposal later.
  • Keep equipment and materials clear of access points & runways.
  • Never block access to COX Crossing or public footpaths.
  • Store materials off site, preferable in car parked in the designated car park.
  • Do not stack collect waste in a way, which might topple over.

Personal Cleanliness

Your health may be affected if you do not keep yourself and the airfield clear.

  • Wear appropriate clothing for the activity you intent to carry out
  • Always wash your hands before handling food and after handling any materials, which may be harmful.
  • Use gloves whenever possible.
  • Do not use solvents or abrasives to clean your hands, use there are WC facilities on site.

Manual Handling

Pilots should be careful not to causing injury to themselves through manual handling.

  • No pilot should lift weights greater than their capabilities and in no case more than 25kgs.
  • When objects to be lifted exceed this weight help should be sought or mechanical lifting employed.
  • Use gloves for lifting if necessary.
  • The correct method for lifting is to grip with the palms of the hands, bend knees, keeping the back straight and lifting using thigh muscles.

Use of Electrical Equipment

There is no electrical supply on the LEC Airfield site there are no buildings! The exception of a functioning but redundant pylon (formally used to supply the old hanger), the hazards associated with the railway crossing & electrical equipment associated with visiting aircraft.

Use of Glider Trailers on the LEC Airfield Site

There is permitted storage for trailers on site but limited access to LEC Airfield. Strict prior permission is required from the MD or CFI prior to bring trailers on site.

Footpath Access to LEC Airfield

Park in one of the many available local car parks at your own risk, follow the public footpath signs around the rear of the Wicks DIY Store, you will see the railway crossing & the Airfield beyond, follow LEC Airfield predestines signs this way via the kissing gates, Style to the Footpath Crossing, observe the Network Rail signs, Stop, Listen, Look both ways before crossing, beyond the 2nd style you will see a set of Airfield gates & signs, they should be unlocked, please ensure you close the gates behind you unless you find them both open for vehicle access. Please don’t just wonder around looking for someone, wait adjacent to the railway gate until some comes to assist you.


Operational Procedures for Vehicle Crossing Cox Railway Crossing

User Worked Crossing with Telephone (UWC-T)

Crossing Description

Network Rail defines the crossing as a User Worked Crossing with Telephone (UWC-T), which are commonly found on privately owned land.

BR Aviation Ltd as the Airfield owner is the licensed crossing operators and has adopted Network Rails “User Guide for Manual Crossings” as the definitive guide to using the Cox Crossing, these guidelines must be strictly adhered too, authorized users will require training & signature for our records. Copy of guide can be accessed via BRGC Website.

There is the provision of a telephone so that prior to crossing, the Signaller for the line, can be contacted for up to date track movement information.

Procedures prior to crossing.

All persons wishing to cross the railway line with a vehicle at the Cox Crossing manual railway gates must first Contact the Managing Director, Julian Hitchcock 07860 469939 or one of his Authorised Key Holders.

The vehicle that will be taken across the crossing will be in a well maintained and roadworthy. Access to the Cox Crossing is via the 1st roundabout to Wicks DIY Store, drive past their car park, follow the deliver route round to their loading bay, drive just passed their security gates, (Do Not Obstruct their gates), park just back from the railway gate, allowing sufficient room for open gate towards you.

Crossing Procedures.

  1. You must use the telephone to get permission to cross
  2. Tell the signaler if you are crossing with a large or slow vehicle or towing a trailer
  3. When the signaller tells to cross, unlock & open the gates on both sides of the railway
  4. Cross Quickly
  5. Close the gates after crossing
  6. You must telephone when you have finished, ensure the gate are locked


Should the telephone adjacent to the crossing be out of action, do not attempt to cross,

dial the landline listed in the telephone box, await instruction from the signalman

200 meter south of the Cox Crossing is a steep bend. Trains are approaching up to 70 MPH you may not see or hear them, Never attempt to cross without contacting the signalman, this is stupid & very dangerous, BR Aviation Ltd could have its licensed withdrawn, Failure to close the gates Network Rail could imposes up to £1,000 fine as the driver is obliged to report the gate open, there could be wondering cattle the Signalman will halt all trains until the situation is resolved. BRGC will take breaches very seriously, members can expect be expelled from the club immediately.

Relevant Legislation

The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (amended)

The Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992

This policy was adopted BR Aviation Ltd & BRGC on 1st September 2016

Julian Hitchcock MD